Why I chose to have a home birth.
I chose to have baby number 3 at home and it was one of the best choices I have made. The environment being in your own home is great, and a comfort your can’t recreate anywhere. We had access to a birthing pool which we had on standby for when baby decided to arrive. I could set up how I wanted and be ready in my own homly enviroment.
Now I was slightly confident knowing that I had had 2 previous waterbirths in hospital with no pain relief and no complications so I have an idea for what I was in for and knew my body was capable, I just had to let it happen. My very first Labour was 4 hours and my second Labour just over an hour so I knew deep down my body would be fast and I had kept more fit than previous pregnancies. Mentally I was prepared for what I had to do but also knew just how awful the pain really is.
To have a home birth you must have your main midwife and a second to assist. They have all the gear you would need to assist in a delivery at home and if anything goes wrong you can always transfer to a hospital.
It was 4am, lamp on, dim room, Allen stone was playing, it was a vibe.
The pool takes around 20mins to inflate and fill up. During this time I rocked and walked, waddled and took some deep breaths. As soon as that pool was ready I jumped right in. The warmth of the pool and the weight of the water just supported my lower back. It was my safe spot. My main midwife arrived and I couldn’t resist the urge to push baby out. So with that out he came before the arrival of the second midwife, who in turn got there in time for the placenta to be birthed.
I chose this as I was able to be present, have my children there, be comfortable in my own home – honestly showering in your own shower and hoping in your own bed after giving birth is unbeatable.
No visiting hours, no machines beeping, no shared rooms with other women, no doctors, less paperwork, just me and my whanau in our home welcoming our beautiful boy into the world.
Welcome Te Rawhitiroa Nation Puhi Royal 04/09/2019