As a home business working as a trade service in the beauty industry, level 3 is not good for me.
As I can not operate until level 2, these times of levels and covid19 can be very unsettling and uncertain so to lighten the mood I’ve put together some tips and ways to keep saine and carry on during lockdown. This is how I personally deal with it and hope it will be beneficial to you too.
We go from one extreme to another, super busy to couch potatoes over night, so my first advice is to keep a routine. I’m a Mum of 3, cat, dog, hubby still working, training (fitness) and running the house so I can build my routine off those points. 7am workout then that gives time for the kids to get up and wait 30 mins for breakfast in that time they can watch TV, make beds, brush teeth get ready for the day. After workout we walk to get a coffee then back home for their breakfast while I go have a shower. 9am zoom calls! Miss 8 has a class meeting at 9 and 11 and Mr 5 does his online learning and colouring in, Mr 1 even has his own zoom meeting at 10am so with multiple devices and an eye on the lock our morning is jam packed and busy!! By 12pm we are making lunch, baking and going for walks and this pretty much fills in our afternoon and it’s open for fun and flexibility, this in itself is in the routine. This creates a sense of normality and reason in the day.
Be unsocially social. I’m one for hating phone calls however to stay connected jump on a zoom call, anxiety or not it will honestly fill your cup to talk to someone who didn’t pop out of your womb or rent the room next door
Accept what you can’t control. Let’s face it 2020 is a learning curb, we constantly have to adapt and we have done very well! We can’t control the levels, the virus, the time or restrictions but we can control our mindset and that is the biggest saviour. Focus on the positives, we have never been given this quality time so make it worth while.
Stretch. Sitting their scrolling? Stop. And stretch. For everything you read that makes you uneasy stop and learn to breathe, properly breathe.
Take in the little things. Literally stop and smell the flowers, look at colours, play music and read books. Have a chat with your family, a real chat, reconnect, stretch, be okay with being okay and give yourself a break.
These are just some of the tools I use to enjoy lockdown with, so slow yourself down, love yourself and be safe